"Be careful y'all," Gus cautioned. "This house is falling apart as we speak. Gus held Felicity's hand and whispered, "ya better stay close ta me."

"...the reason why nobody can prove Lisilee is real is because no one has lived to tell the frightful tale!" -Teddy

Juliet Woodhouse and her Nan approached the the new "Woodhouse Estate." With glee, Juliet peered at it through the window of the carrage. When they reached the big golden gates they noticed that they had been opened. "Mmm." mumbled Nan.

They went through the gates and pulled up to the big house. "Well it certanily will need some cleaning done to it..." Nan commented.

Juliet giggled at the house. "I am sure I will be happy here."

Their driver came and opened the door to their carriage and gently helped them out. Juliet was sixteen and looked a bit younger. Her brown hair was up in a very playful up-do with daisys woven in. Her long white dress dragged along the dirt on her way into the house. Nan quickly followed behind. "Do not get your dress dirty child."

"I wonder when mama and papa shall arive to see our new home?" She wondered aloud as she peered at the grand opening of the home.

Cobwebs were all over the corners of the ceiling. "This will definitly need some cleaning." Nan commented.

* * * * *

Lily walked into the house following. "I am sure it is not haunted." Lily commented.

"There isn't any such things as ghosts," Andrew replied. "Ghosts are the result of visual and auditory hallucinations people often experience during states of emotional trauma. But there is a case of human vampirism in Transylvania in the sixteenth century concerning a woman named Madame Bathoria. While it's impossible to morph into a bat, I know that there are people like Lisilee who like to suck blood and eat children."

"Lily never implied that there were ghosts in that house, Andrew King," Felicity told her cousin. "You are right, though; there are no such things as ghosts and spooks."

"Stop it Andrew!" Teddy said while holding the stake out toward the dark shadows. "It's giving me the creeps."

"Really, Andrew," added Izzy. "You don't want to scare the bejeepers out of us, do you?"

Kyle Blythe, from where he stood in the woods, froze when he heard the yell. He gulped, wondering if the place really was haunted. Gathering what wits were left, Kyle decided to chalk it up, and headed for the house quietly. A twig snapped under a couple of his steps. 'So much for sneaking towards the house quietly!' he thought.

Standing in front of a side window on the wrap around porch, where the group couldn't see him, Kyle decided to enter the manner. Creeping past and through rooms, brushing away cobwebs, Kyle started looking for Morgan. He soon found him in the dark parlor. "Morgan!" he whispered loudly. "Are you alright? It's me, Kyle Blythe."

"Aaaargh!" Morgan shouted again. "Kyle Blythe! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Morgan griped. "What are you doing here? Don't you know that an evil vampire named Lisilee stalks these premesis? I only came in here to challenge a bet from my obnoxious sister's friends; but now that I have seen how creepy this place is, I say we get out of here!" He began to walk toward the door. Suddenly, a trap door opened with a creek and Morgan slipped through the floor, disappearing into the dark abyss.

"I heard that," Izzy said. She froze for a moment, then collected herself. "Come on, and be careful where you step." She entered the house.

* * * * *

Juliet and her Nan had already journeyed into the house and were looking about. Juliet looked at the faded pictures on the wall and something sticky went across her face. She screamed as load as she could and wiped the spider webs off of her face. "Are you okay child?" Nan asked her worried.

"Just spiderwebs." She said shuddering.

* * * * *

Lily heard the scream and grabbed Andrew's arm. "Who was that?" Lily asked, now scared out of her wits.

"Who do you think it was?" Teddy said fearfully, "it was Lisilee, the blood sucking vampire, feasting on her latest victim's blood!"

"Don't worry Lily, the only thing in this house that is dangerous is its condemnable status."

"Be careful y'all," Gus cautioned. "This house is falling apart as we speak. Gus held Felicity's hand and whispered, "ya better stay close ta me."

Felicity and Izzy perked up. "Yes, who was that?" Felicity mused.

"Come on, you guys. We need to find out who was screaming. Let's find some lanterns and check it out." Izzy looked around in the house.

Lily followed Izzy and Felicity. "I hope no one is in danger.." Lily stated.

Felix hadn't said anything, mostly because he couldn't get a word in edgewise. Privately, he found the adventure rather amusing, although he did jump when he heard screaming. His fingers hit on something...it felt like human skin. He yelped in suprise.

"Is someone there?" He questioned.

"It's just me," Andrew said, "I was looking for some candles." He found a small candle and lit it with a match from his tinderbox. Andrew wandered into a parlor room and saw a large book case. "Wow, look at this! Whoever owned this house had all the great horror classics." He beamed at the books on the dusty shelf. "They had Bramstroker's 'Dracula!, Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein' and 'U.S. President Milliard Fillmore's Autobiography!'

"Now, Andrew," Felicity said jokingly, "let's not remind dear Felix about 'Dracula.'" She flashed her brother a smile.

Andrew reached for a book when suddenly, the book case revolved, pushing him behind the dark wall. "Hey!" He yelled and disappeared.

"Hey, where did Andrew go?" Teddy wondered.

Lily ran over to the bookcase and started touching books like Andrew was. "Andrew?" She yelled through the bookcase. "Can you hear me?!"

"Maybe Lisilee got him!" Izzy replied. "And she's going to stick her bloody fangs into his arm and bite into him, like a chicken leg."

"Izzy, not you too," Felicity said, exasperated. "Let's just find Andrew and Morgan and get out of here."

* * * * *

Juliet heard talking. "Nan, do you hear that?" she asked, gripping onto her Nan's arm. "Could the house be haunted?"

"Nonsense. There is no such things as ghosts. You have been reading too many books filling your head with frivilous notions." Nan scolded, while her expression remained soft.

"Oh Nan, I am so grateful you are here."

She lit some of the candles in the halls with matches that she had hidden in her pocket. Juliet let go of Nan and peered around the corner to see figures bustling around. "Nan, I will be over here for a moment," she said, grabbing one candle and moving towards the objects.

Juliet walked down the hallway and noticed a door. "Nan!" Juliet called.

Nan came shuffling down to where she was in the next hallway. "Look at all these doors." Juliet said a chill going through her.

"Well lets not go here quite yet. Goodness knows all the dangerous things in this house must be repaired." Nan said taking hold of Juliet's hand.

Romeo and Buttercup had excaped from the carrage and ran inside the house to find their Juliet. Romeo sniffed the ground and followed the scent. He managed to find the parlor Buttercup following. The dogs managed to sniff every person in the room.

Felicity and Izzy looked down and saw the dogs. "Well, hello there," Felicity said as she bent down. "Are you checking us all out?"

Juliet walked into the parlor and saw kids standing around. She screamed. "Could they all be ghosts?" She thought to herself.

Lily looked over at the scream still fiddiling with the bookcase. She notced her cousin standing in the parlor. "Juliet?" Lily said filling with amazement at her cousins arrival. But before she could go over there the bookcase swept her in and she was behind the wall. "Andrew?" She said, with tears coming to her eyes.

Izzy inched her way to the bookcase. "Andrew?" she called. She then got aggressive and added, "Whoever got him and my brother Morgan, come out and show yourself!"

Juliet ran out of the parlor. "Surley my worst fears are coming true." Juliet said under her breath. Finding Nan again. But her Nan was no where in site. "Maybe the people in the parlor are alive?" She thought taking the chance of finding out.

Juliet walked back to the parlor and unknowing walked to Felicity and touched her.

Felicity let out a yelp and turned around. "Aaaah!" she freaked out. "Who are you?"

"You're real," mused Juliet, not answering Felicity's question. "OH thank the Lord."

"Of course I'm real," Felicity said. "All of us in here are real, unlike that blasted vampire Lisilee!"

"Oh thank the Lord... I was most scared by your presence." Juliet said calming down. "Who is Lisilee?" Juliet asked raising her eyebrows. 'Then Lily must have been real,' she thought.

"She's a vampire," Izzy replied in a dramatic tone, "who likes to suck the blood out of people. Rumour has it she lives here in this house."

"Izzy, you don't believe that old wives tale, do you?" Felicity asked. "It's just an urban legend created to scare vulnerable children."

Juliet raised her eyebrows at Izzy's comment. "Oh a vampire. Well as long as you wear garlic you will be cured from that." Juliet said giggling. "My name is Juliet Woodhouse and I am moving into this house once it is safe from all the disaster it is upon at the present moment. I am from England."

"Ah can vouch fer that," Gus said, "ah can't tell ya how many tall tales ah heard out at sea."

"Izzy's right," Teddy exclaimed, "the reason why nobody can prove Lisilee is real, is because no one has lived to tell the frightful tale!"

"We best be careful," Izzy said.