Avonlea Characters

Set in the maritime village of Avonlea, Prince Edward Island, Avonlea follows the lives of the King family at the beginning of the 20th century. The early seasons focus on the Story Girl, Sara Stanley, who goes to live with her maternal relatives after her father is accused of a corporate scandal. Central characters include Hetty King, Sara Stanley, Felicity King, Felix King, Cecily King, and Gus Pike.  Click on the characters below to learn more.

First appearance: 1.1: The Journey Begins
Sara Stanley was the daughter of Blair and Ruth Stanley. Blair was a wealthy businessman who provided a life of luxury for his family in Montreal. Tragedy struck when Ruth died of tuberculosis when Sara was very young. When her father was accused of embezzlement, Sara was sent to live in Avonlea with her King relatives.

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First appearance: 1.1: The Journey Begins
Hetty King embodied the spirit of the King family and the town of Avonlea. Hetty's strong stand for tradition and the importance of family and community was reflected in her fierce resistance to change. Her traditional beliefs would often conflict with the inevitable changing of times, not only among her family, but with the world at the beginning of the twentieth century.

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First appearance: 1.1: The Journey Begins
Born in 1890, Felicity was the first child of Alec and Janet King. She was vain and frequently bossy over her siblings and cousins. Felicity was especially harsh toward her cousin, Sara Stanley, and was often jealous of the gifts that Blair Stanley would send his daughter.

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First appearance: 2.2: How Kissing Was Discovered
Gus Pike was the son of Eliza Pike, and for many years, he believed that his true father was Abe (Abraham) Pike. His mother was taken away from him when he was very young and placed in an asylum by the villainous Abe. Gus became a...

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First appearance: 1.1: The Journey Begins
Olivia King (Dale) was the youngest daughter born to Heziah King. Edwin Clark was Olivia's first love, but he was driven away by Olivia's domineering sister, Hetty King. Hetty would often treat Olivia as a child, claiming at one point that she lacked Grandfather King's "get up and go."

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First appearance: 1.1: The Journey Begins
Felix King was the second born child of Alec and Janet King. In his youth, he was often seen as a prankster with a witty sense of humor. Felix would often be at odds with his bossy sister Felicity and he would carry out schemes with his cousin, Sara Stanley.

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First appearances: 1.1: The Journey Begins
Alec King was born in 1859, the second child and the first son born to Heziah King. When his younger brother Roger suffered an accident, which impaired him from most physical work, Alec was the obvious choice to succeed his father in tending the King farm.

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First appearances: 1.1: The Journey Begins
Janet was the daughter of Walter Ward, a strict minister who was highly overprotective of his daughters. She had a sister named Abigail, but they seldom got along.  Janet was pursued by Alec King, but her father refused to allow them to court...

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First appearance: 1.1: The Journey Begins
Cecily King was the third child born to Alec and Janet King. She had a mild temperament and would often act as an intermediate between her bossy sister Felicity and her free spirited cousin Sara Stanley.

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First appearance: 4.2: The Lady and the Blade
Isolde Pettibone, nicknamed "Izzy," was the only daughter of Clive and Jessica Pettibone. She had two older brothers, Arthur and Morgan. At an early age, Izzy had aspirations to be the first woman general of the British army.

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First appearance: 1.3: The Quarantine at Alexander Abraham's
As one of the most fiercely opinionated Avonlea villagers, Rachel Lynde would not hesitate to speak her mind. In her adolescence, Rachel Lynde would begin a bitter fued with Hetty King that would last for 36 years.

At the Avonlea Christmas ball in 1868, Romney Penhallow invited Rachel Lynde to the party to make Hetty jealous. The plan backfired and Hetty swore she would never talk to either one of them again.

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First appearance: 1.2: The Story Girl Earns Her Name
Jasper Dale's parents had high expectations of their young son. When his mother took sick, Jasper fell in love with her nurse, Addy McNeil. His mother disapproved of his relationship and refused to accept their marriage.  After his mother died, Jasper became engaged to McNeil, but he was stood up at the alter.

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First appearance: 2.4: Of Corsets, Secrets and True True Love
Davey Keith and his sister Dora were orphaned when their mother Mary passed away. With their uncle Willy in prison, Davey and Dora went to stay with their blood relative, Marilla Cuthbert, and her friend, Rachel Lynde at Green Gables.

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First appearance: 2.4: Of Corsets, Secrets and True True Love
Dora Keith and her brother Davy were orphaned when their mother Mary passed away. With their uncle Willy in prison, Davy and Dora went to stay with their blood relative, Marilla Cuthbert, and her friend, Rachel Lynde at Green Gables.

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First mention: 1.6: Proof of the Pudding
First appearance: 2.2: How Kissing Was Discovered
Eliza Ward was Janet King and Abigail Ward's Great Aunt. She was fiercely opinionated and often outspoken. In her youth, Eliza spent time with her older cousin Winifred Ward, who often sent her for flowers. The reality of Eliza's past is blurred by her inconsistent stories that she told the King family.

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Hetty is so stupid in this episode but I still love it.
I don't care for most of this episode but the end makes up for all.