Season 1

Time Frame: Spring/Summer-December 1903

Sara Stanley is sent to live with her relatives in Avonlea after her father is charged with embezzlement. Despite the harsh discipline of her Aunt Hetty and the pranks from her cousins, Felix and Felicity, Sara manages to adjust.

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After Blair Stanley faces embezzlement charges, the wealthy Montreal businessman sends his daughter Sara to stay with her late mother's relatives in the small maritime town of Avonlea. 

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Sara befriends the reclusive inventor Jasper Dale and together they stage a magic lantern show to replace stolen school library funds.

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When Sara answers a dare from Felicity, the Story Girl and Felix fall under a quarantine and must endure Rachel Lynde's strict demands.

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Marilla Cuthbert fabricates a beau named Duncan McTavish after village gossips pry into her romantic life. 

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The King cousins venture near the creepy Lloyd estate where Sara encounters Margaret Lloyd, a reclusive old spinster haunted by her past. 

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Hetty travels to the Governor's office to prevent an over-zealous lawyer from selling the King pond watering rights, leaving Sara under Felicity's authoritative command.

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After enduring taunting from his peers, Peter Craig becomes deathly ill.

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Janet King's spinster sister, Abigail is pursued by a former suitor who has returned from the Yukon a wealthy man.

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Sara and Felicity find the baby in a cluttered carriage and anonymously deliver him to the recently married Malcolm and Abigail MacEwen.  

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A politician attempts to buy Alec's vote while Felicity accepts a bet to make Clemmie Ray popular at the harvest ball.

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Peg Bowen convinces Felix a magic stone will help him overcome his fear of Hetty king and spelling.

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Sara finds a mysterious diary inside the blue chest of Arabella King that holds a haunting secret to the past.

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Sara's father is acquitted of embezzlement charges and plans to take Sara home to Montreal. Hetty renews a fierce conflict with Blair Stanley in order to keep Sara in Avonlea.

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