Season 2 - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote

Time Frame: Summer 1904-February 1905

Sara becomes grief stricken when her father dies in an accident at Stanley imports. She visits a fortune teller in hopes of reuniting with her father, but is consequently kidnapped. Alec rescues Sara and her reluctant nanny allows her to remain in Avonlea.

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Peter invites Sara to a carnival where she meets a fortune teller, who claims to reunite the Story Girl with her father. 

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Felicity gets into trouble with Alec after seeking the attention of a young cricket player.

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Hetty attempts to compete with Muriel Stacey's teaching achievements, by recruiting Gus Pike as a student for the Avonlea schoolhouse.

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Davey's troublesome behavior, along with a nagging toothache, becomes too much for Rachel Lynde to bare.

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Old rivalries flare when Hetty's childhood crush, Romney Penhallow, returns to Avonlea. 

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Sara and Felix concoct a scheme to convince Olivia to fall in love with Jasper Dale instead of the wealthy Edwin Clark.

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A long-term feud between Alec and Roger King is re-ignited over distribution of the King family savings. 

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Captain Crane offers Gus work and introduces him to his father, who recently broke out of prison.

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A villainous sea captain arrives in town looking for one half of a treasure map held by his nemesis Ezekiel Crane.

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When Chronicle funds are stolen, Olivia is blamed and Jasper tries to find a way to prove her innocence.

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Sara tries to help Pat Frewen court the admiring Theodora Dixon, but events turn for the worse when Pat believes Sara's intentions are to unite him with her famous cousin Pigeon Plumbtree.

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Sara is taunted by Felicity when she plans to submit an essay naming Hetty as 'Mother of the Year.' In retaliation, Sara plants a letter, stating that Felicity was switched at birth with Sally Potts. 

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When Archie Gillis sets height standards for the Avonlea Avengers, Alec retaliates by forming his own team, the Misfits, and challenges Archie to a game. 

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Emily Hackett
I always felt something for Simon. He was one of my favorites on the show. Was he an unpopular chara...
I thought Sara's "Felix this is my revenge!" and Felixs "who cares, it's too much fun" response were...
I considered watching this episode again even though I don't like it just to see Stuart McRae as som...