Louisa J. Banks

First Appearance: 1.1: The Journey Begins
Sara's overprotective nanny, Louisa J. Banks, pampered the Story Girl throughout her early life in Montreal. She quarreled with Hetty King over the right to look after Sara, but eventually was sent back to Montreal by Hetty. After Sara's father died, Louisa was appointed as Sara's legal guardian.

She returned to Avonlea for Blair's funeral and to take Sara home to Montreal. After further quarreling with her rival Hetty King over the location of Sara's residence, Banks allowed Sara to remain in Avonlea among her friends and family. (2.1: Sara's Homecoming).

Inspector Barwood

First appearance: 2.1: Sara's Homecoming
Montreal police inspector who notified Louisa Banks that Blair Stanley was dead.

Mr. Beedy

First Appearance: 1.2: The Story Girl Earns Her Name
Mr. Beedy was a traveling conman who skipped town with the Avonlea school library funds.

Fred Bell

First Mention: 1.2: The Story Girl Earns Her Name
First Appearance: 1.3: The Quarantine at Alexander Abraham's
Mentioned briefly as Edward Ray's schoolmate. He made a brief appearance in church when Rachel Lynde was presiding as Sunday school teacher.

Horace Beck

First appearance: 7.11: Return to Me
Owner of Beck's Furniture Manufacturer in Charleston, South Carolina. Beck helped Felicity and Hetty locate the missing Gus Pike in Charleston. When he was found, Beck encouraged a reluctant Gus to speak to Felicity.

Mertyl Biggins

First appearance: 1.4: The Materializing of Duncan
Proprietor of Biggins boarding house.

Black Parrot

The base of Abe Pike's gang of pick pockets. Gus Pike was lured to the Black Parrot by his villainous father when Abe was attempting to locate his old nemesis, Ezekiel Crane (3.3: But When She Was Bad, She Was Horrid pt. 2).

Blackie (deceased)

King family horse for many years. When Alec intended to sell the aging horse, Felix tried to keep him at King Farm. Felix opened a delivery service and used Blackie to deliver goods around town. After several delivery failures, Felix made a bet with Hank Webster to determine who could get to Markdale first and become the dominating delivery business in town. During the race to Markdale, Felix accidently drove into a river, where Blackie consequently died (3.4: Felix and Blackie).

Jonathan Ravenhurst Blackwell

First appearance: 4.11: The Disappearance
A nephew of Lady Blackwell, Jonathan lived a dual life as Gerald Young and had a fascination with antiques. He also masqueraded as investigator Doyle E. Reichenbach to cover up his Gerald Young alias.

Lady Blackwell

First appearance: 4.11: The Disappearance
Lady Blackwell and her nephew, Jonathan Ravenhurst Blackwell, arrived in winter 1908 with interests in investing in electrical trade. When Jonathan disappeared, Lady Blackwell began a search until he was found.

Betty Blaine

First appearance: 7.6: King of the Great White Way
In 1911, the song writing duo of Rudy and Betty Blaine arrived in Avonlea for "creative rejuvenation." Rudy was facing a creative slump until he overheard Alec singing in Jasper Dale's voice replicator. Rudy was inspired and asked Alec if he wanted to join the Blaine's and perform in a broadway performance.

Alec considered becoming a singer with the Blaines, but decided that he would rather stay on King farm with his family. In a musicale for the Daughters of the Dominions, Alec turned down singing the Blaine's song, 'Honkey Tonkey Donkey,' and sang a song with Cecily. 

Rudy Blaine

First appearance: 7.6: King of the Great White Way
Rudolf Blitstein was a carpenter who later changed his name to Rudy Blaine and began a song writing partnership with his wife, Betty. In 1911, the song writing duo arrived in Avonlea for "creative rejuvenation." Rudy was facing a creative slump until he overheard Alec singing in Jasper Dale's voice replicator. Rudy was inspired and asked Alec if he wanted to join the Blaine's and perform in a broadway performance.

Alec considered becoming a singer with the Blaines, but decided that he would rather stay on King farm with his family. In a musicale for the Daughters of the Dominion, Alec turned down singing the Blaine's song, 'Honkey Tonky Donkey,' and sang a song with Cecily. Rudy was able to break out of his slump with the help of another Jasper Dale invention that converted 'C' notes to 'G' notes.

Doctor Blair

First appearance: 1.3: The Quarantine at Alexander Abraham's
Town doctor from at least 1903-1908. He was replaced by doctor Snow possibly in winter 1908.

Mystic Blewett

First appearance: 2.12: A Mother's Love

Anne Blythe

First mention: 1.9: Malcolm and the Baby
Rachel Lynde mentioned that Marilla was visiting Anne and taking care of Anne's new baby (1.9: Malcolm and the Baby). When Marilla died, Anne had scarlet fever and could not attend the funeral with her husband, Gilbert(3.13 Old Friends Old Wounds).

Gilbert Blythe

First mention: 1.9: Malcolm and the Baby
First appearance: 3.13: Old Friends, Old Wounds
Dr. Blythe returned to Avonlea for the funeral of Marilla Cuthbert. He rallied the town and attempted to save Green Gables from being purchased by John Harrison. The attempt was unsuccessful.

John Blythe

First mention: 1.4: The Materializing of Duncan McTavish
Briefly mentioned as Marilla's possible past love interest. After a quarrel, the two would not continue their relationship.

Samual Boddin

First appearance: 5.1: Fathers and Sons
Wealthy Boston retailer. Boddin tells Felix that he argued with his son and that the son died before they were able to reach a reconciliation. 

Captain Stan Borden

First appearance: 2.9: All That Glitters
Captain Borden was a long time enemy of Captain Crane. The two men began a heated rivalry when Borden stabbed Crane in the back to steal a treasure map. Borden nearly drowned after the conflict but was saved when a Portuguese troller picked him up.

During their battle, the treasure map tore in half, leaving each man with half a map. Several years later, Borden tracked Crane down in Avonlea and attempted to steal his half of the map. With the help of Gus Pike, Ezekiel Crane outwitted Borden and left Avonlea with the treasure.

Peg Bowen

First appearance: 1.1: The Journey Begins
Often called 'the Witch of Avonlea' for her reclusive and mysterious nature, Peg Bowen was a keen observer of the every day events that occurred in the town. Although most people considered her crazy, Peg enjoyed her reclusiveness and often entertained the King children with her alleged 'love potions' and sometimes frightened them with her magic.

Among Peg's achievements, she saved a dying Peter Craig with herbal remedies, (1.7: Conversions), inspired Felix to win an annual Prince Edward Island spelling bee (1.11: The Witch of Avonlea), and concocted a love potion in a scheme to make Olivia and Jasper Dale fall in love. (2.6: May the Best Man Win)." Peg would make one more appearance while instructing Felix, Felicity and Sara on how to turn the tide of evil (3.9: Vows of Silence).

Emma Bradley

First appearance: 6.2: Lonely Hearts
Student. Made an alliance with Laura McDonald to bid on Nat Lester at the 1st annual bachelor's auction.

Gordon Bradley

First appearance: 6.12: A Time To Every Purpose
Emma Bradley's brother. Gordon suffered a dislocated shoulder and had to see Doctor Snow. 

Reverand Brimsmy

First appearance: 1.7: Conversions
Travelling missionary who frightened the town with his tales of cannibalism and convinced Peg Bowen to go to church. 

Bruce the brute

First appearance: 6.5: The Trouble With Davy
Bruce the brute was a bull that was brought to King farm by Gurney MacDonald for cattle pairing. Bruce was unsuccessful at mating and there was consideration for having him shot. After Davy Keith expressed his grief for the pending bull's demise, Alec decided to allow the bull to retire at King farm.

Cordelia Bugle

First appearance: 3.1: The Ties That Bind
Daughter of Ulele Bugle, who married Hyrum Sprocket. 

Eulele Bugle

First appearance: 3.1: The Ties That Bind
Mother of Cordelia Bugle/Sprocket. As an opinionated town gossip, Eulalie once overheard a conversation between Felicity and Olivia and erroneously concluded that Jasper and Oliva were divorcing (7.2: Love May Be Blind, But the Neighbors Ain't). In 1912, she sided with plans for Avonlea to amalgamate with Carmody, but Jasper was able to convince the town otherwise (7.12: The Last Hurrah).

Velma Bugle

First appearance: 6.2: Lonely Hearts
Velma had a crush on Felix King and unsuccessfully made a bid on him at the 1st annual bachelor's auction.


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Hetty is so stupid in this episode but I still love it.
I don't care for most of this episode but the end makes up for all.